Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Day!!!

So we got to talk to Shawn on christmas. He sounded very good! He had a stuffy nose because he has a cold but other than that he sounded good. Matured too! but it was fun to hear from him. He doesn't know if he will be staying in Pachuca or if he will be leaving back to Tecamac or somewhere else. He is kind of lost right now. We will find out on Monday because he should know by then where he will be going.
Well, just to give you the jist of it all, we called a member's house to get a hold of him. We talked for about an hour or until we thought our phone card had finished all of its minutes. Like all the other calls, my mom asked a lot of questions and we got to say somethings but for the most part we listened until the very end. Um.. not all sure what to say because it was a very random conversation between if he has gained weight to how his socks are holding up to how he only missed kyle and nobody else. NOT EVEN ANNI! or ME for that matter! why am I typing this up for him then?!! oh well, so yeah he is doing great! oh anni joined us for his conversation. It was fun! So anyways he says all is well and that he is working hard. He couldn't remember that it was Thursday so that's a good thing. OH he had a baptism that day! The elders in the area had been trying to find a day that would work to get this guy baptized but with work and everything they just couldn't get in the time to baptize him. So on Christmas he was not working and they decided to baptize him. So they had that later on in the day. Also Shawn told us that between all the Mexico City mission, his has the most number wise with baptism and everything. Most successful! that is what i am going for! So yeah good job missionaries!
So yeah, the phone call was great! just thought i would share a little bit about it. We will hear from him again on monday and talk to him on mothers day! :) anyways this is shay signing off!

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