Friday, November 14, 2008

September 15, 2008

(hey looky, shay is actually trying to blog again!! ha ha! we will be better bloggers (okay shay is just a slacker!))

email # who knows anymore.... he just emails us now....

On Wednesday we had a zone conference which was really good. However most of it was in spanish, so I was able to pick out a few words but not all of it. Although there was a speakcer who did his talk in english, so i gt that which was nice because it was a pretty good talk. Also at the zone conference I got your greeny package, (yay! he got the greenie package! for those of you who don't know my mom sends greeny packages for when they first arrive in the area. Well, since he couldn't get packages till conferences he finally got it! Whoo hoo!) but nothing else, (oh sad, nothing else :(...) no letters. That made me sad. I was looking forward to reading a letter. Oh well, thanks for the package. I have not written any letters this past week because we have had some crazy nights like staying at investiagtors house for like a couple of hours when we have other appointments to keep. But today I should be able to write some letters. I am still not sure what the address is or if it is a good idea to send letters there, because my companion doesn't get any mail in so I forget. (yeah right, secretly he just doesn't want any letters. He just doesn't know that we know that!!)
Things here are good. The people here talk really fast, and I say that I don't understand, someimes they would go slower but most of the time be like oh okay and talk to my companion the rest of the time because I don't understand. But I think they can understand me and yes I am improving a slight bit.
Well this saturday we have a baptism which he is ready for it and know that it is right. The rest of his family are members, so that has helped and we will have more baptisms next week I think. I am not totally positive though. (hmmm... not sure eh?!)
So today is Mexico's Indenpendence day, in which I didn't think that I would be able to email today but they are open so why not?! I am not sure what exactly what they do for their independence day, except for that they have fireworks. Also I think it gets crazy on the streets or something because President Bulloch said that we need to be in our house at 6. And it is right now 4:45. Oh also as part of the mexican culture is that they don't really have a storage place for food. They just but what they need for that day for that meal that they are having. Also everything here is spicy and hot! EVERYTHING!! Event he Doritos, just the chees one even! Oh I haven't had a lot of rice and beans, I have had chicken, soup, and some other things. Oh as well in Mexico for the college and stuff, is well there are some universities that are free to attend and go to school. Also here their are quite a bit of rich, or middle people. It may not look like it on the outside but it shows on the inside. (K, he just asks the fam questions like when is so and so leaving? how is so and so doing on their mission. yada yada yada...)(says something like they are in the ghetto so they are not sure about mail.... yeah basically it!)
so it might take some time to send a letter yeah but I will let you know next week. Well love ya!!

Missionary boy



Anni said...

hehehe Shay you are much better at posting than I am! :)plus you have the funniest side comments!!!! :)

Unknown said...

thanks anni! I couldn't have gotten this started without ya! :)

Laundry said...

Yeah for shawn!!! he sounds like he is enjoying himself.
