Monday, January 19, 2009

January 19, 2009

Okay that doesn´t have anything to do with what I did this week. Bueno We did baptize yesterday, at 6:00 in the morning. The water was freaking freezing! The boiler doesn´t work so we had to put something in the water to try to heat it up. Well my comp thinks that it doesn´t work, but I think it does. Oh well, the baptism went well, it was the parents of the family and now the kids are interested in the Gospel and stuff so we will see what happens with them because they don´t live in our boundaries so yeah. I hope that the kids get baptized then the family will be complete and it will be great for them to grow in the gospel together. Oh we also confirmed them the same day that they were baptised. This week we are going to try to have 3 baptism this Sunday.
Okay this week has been pretty cold for me too. yesterday we had fog, and it rained this past week. So the seasons are just mixed up and crazy, but that is just mexico. Because I was talking to someone and they said that here where I am, the weather is just weird. So who knows what it will be like. OH another thing is that on friday our district leader came to our house, and it was a mess, and we didn´t know that he was coming so he freaking bashed on us because our apartment wasn´t clean that was fun. So After he left we cleaned the apartment, it looks a lot better then what it was before.
So on Monday we had a family home evening with a part member family. Everyone is a member but the dad, so we are trying to get him baptized but he doesn´t want to so right now is probably his time. Although the family home evening went well, we watched a movie called the master´s hand, shared scriptures, had dinner, and played Jenga extreme. It was pretty fun, and food was really good it was some sort of pasta and meat. On Wednesday we had a zone conference and interviews, which both of them went really well. I enjoyed them, because, well on of the reasons of it being good was that we ate hamburgers like american burgers and stuff it was really good. Although there was a good spirit eating hamburgers and listening to the president and his AP. Well that is pretty much it for this week. Now I will answer your questions. Transfers are the first week in feb. so I still have some time here, I am kinda hoping to get transfered to be somewhere else just to be somewhere else. My comp is good, he kinda has a attitude, he gets angry quick. Yes I am brushing my teeth, and my shirts are white still. (oh such a good boy!)
Now have to laugh at kyle, Ha ha ha. Okay that is good. (kyle hurt his arm while snowboarding, just used it too much or something so it hurt for a while. So everyone can laugh at him too! Jk)
Oh my comp said something to me, that here in mexico there is 7 women for one man, but only here in mexico. Anyway, I don´t have anything else to say, but we did play some fĂștbal and kickball. So that is it, Happy Birthday Grandpa! HI Lane and Kevin!
(our uncle and one of shawn's best friends live out of state so they happened to both be in town this past week. Pretty sweet eh?!) (oh and it was our Grandpas birthday on Wednesday!)

Love ya!!!
Elder Larsen

Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 12, 2009

Okay so this week has been a lot better because the family that came to church last week is like a golden!!! So they will be baptized this week or the next, it just depends if the son wants to know more and be baptized or not so yeah it will be awesome! The Parents are freaking sweet because they have done everyone thing that we have asked them to do and last Wednesday the dad asked us about tithing and how does he pay it, so we showed on Sunday. So they are progressing great, and will be faithful members. We had another guy that came by himself last week but we couldn´t find his house, and he didn´t come yesterday. So things are progressing, we are hoping to baptize at least 4 this week, if not 2. My comp is good, we are working lots with the members for references and stuff. Before the mission all he did was train for a sport where you lift weights, and a wrestler, that is pretty much all he did. Because he started training at age 8, that is all he did basically. He has one brother and one sister. his sister is married, and his brother is not but he did go on a mission, not sure where but somewhere in mexico. He has been a member since he was 8. That is cool that Kevin went to Utah and visited, luckys, you should tell him to visit me! When does he go into the MTC? Well lets see here. He is going to Tiajuana huh? Well that will be different for him. Okay I am kinda lost for what I want to say, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah. (man this kid likes to ramble. Sorry i didn't feel like editing anything.) The teaching pool is growing slowly. We contact people on the street but they lie about their directions, and stuff so it is dumb, but oh well it is their salvation I did my part. Well not sure what else to write for this week. We are going to a family´s house to have a family home evening with them, it is kind of a less active family with the dad that is not a member. So that will be fun! Don´t know what we are doing but I do know one thing is that we are going to see a movie. So hopefully everything goes well and hopefully get the dad more interested and stuff. So yeah that is basically it Love ya!!

Elder Larsen

January 5, 2009

Okay so my New Year was good but not that exciting, because we had to be in our house by 6 so yeah we did Because of the drunks and parties and stuff like that so yeah, although we did talk with the sister whom we rent from until we had to go to sleep so yeah that was fun. Oh and no we did not get to stay up any later then 10:30 for new´s years. (oh sad child didn't get to stay up for the new year... oh well he was an obedient child!) So yeah I am back in my old area the investigators are well it was harder to get with them and set an appointment with them so yeah. This week was hard, we contacted a lot of people for an example on saturday after 2:00 we had every hour filled with an appointment until 9 so what happened is that all the appointments fell through well execpt for 2 so that was a bummer. Also we didn´t have a map for awhile too, and I don´t know all of the street names so yeah it has been a little hard this week. But on sunday we did see some miracles, like me and my comp brought 2 investigators who are good buy the mom smokes a lot and has some problems with the WOW but she liked church. Although the miracle was that members that don´t live here but I guess they are visiting their friends, anyways they brought their friends to church and they live here and are interested in the church, Also some other guy who wants to know more of our church shows up too, to church! So we saw some miracles this week! Another thing is that our church starts at 7:00 in the morning! (that is way to early! sorry folks, but these guys are kind of crazy for getting up for church! I don't know how they do it!) So we got up like 4:30 around there anyways, some of the members like this time better, and I am like WHY!? Anyways that was my week of events. My comp is Elder Vasquez from Oaxaca Mexico, he is the youngest in his family, he has two older brothers, one went on a mission to some part in mexico. Before the mission all he did was lift weights, and training for his sport. Yeah and he looks mexican. Well for today, we cleaned the church building a little bit, and now going to wash our clothes and eat something. We are hoping to have some baptisms these week but I don´t know if it will happen or not. Oh for the transfers a lot of missionaries got white washed, so it was crazy. Yeah not sure what else to type.......... Oh tomorrow is the dia de reyes, kings day, it is like their christmas. Actually yeah it is like christmas, but instead of santa clause it is the three kings. So you have a wish list and you ask the kings to bring it to you. Yeah okay I think that is it because I don´t know what to type about that we worked a lot so yeah. LOVE YA!!

Elder Larsen

Thursday, January 1, 2009

December 29, 2008

Well yeah this is a bit early to type and stuff but that is cool. It was good talking to everyone on the phone. Hope Christmas at Grandma´s house was good, had lots have cake and food to eat and stuff. Here was good after I got done talking to everyone, we went to do the baptism and fill up the font, so we did that. The baptism went well, he had his family and some friends come that are members of the church. It was a good baptism but the thing is that he didn´t come to church to be confirmed a member and stuff, so that kinda sucked. After the baptism we ate food with a member at her house, where she was having a party with her family so we ate a lot of food and played a game with them for a couple of hours and then we knocked doors the rest of the night, but no one wanted to let us in so that was kinda weird. Because, we celebrate christmas for the birth of Jesus, but no body wanted to watch a movie about his birth and stuff so it was a bit ironic. other then that we have been working a lot this past week, knocking a lot of doors and stuff, and teaching some but the people that we taught didn´t want to go to church with us so that was a bummer. Although on Saturday night at like 8 30 we found someone, taught him, and asked him to come to and he said yes, so on Sunday morning at like 8 45 we got him and took him to church, and so far he is a good guy with a kid, but his wife left him, and he wants to help his kid and to make sure that he can provide for his kid. So we think that is good and will be baptized. Yeah so that is the rest of the week. Oh yeah I am going back to my old area (Tecamac) with another comp, not sure who it will be yet but tomorrow I will know. So I am going back, oh well. Today I am going to pack, eat lunch somewhere, and possible do something, I am not really sure what is going to happen today so yeah. This is about it for today. Love ya!!

Elder Larsen
