Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 12, 2009

Okay so this week has been a lot better because the family that came to church last week is like a golden!!! So they will be baptized this week or the next, it just depends if the son wants to know more and be baptized or not so yeah it will be awesome! The Parents are freaking sweet because they have done everyone thing that we have asked them to do and last Wednesday the dad asked us about tithing and how does he pay it, so we showed on Sunday. So they are progressing great, and will be faithful members. We had another guy that came by himself last week but we couldn´t find his house, and he didn´t come yesterday. So things are progressing, we are hoping to baptize at least 4 this week, if not 2. My comp is good, we are working lots with the members for references and stuff. Before the mission all he did was train for a sport where you lift weights, and a wrestler, that is pretty much all he did. Because he started training at age 8, that is all he did basically. He has one brother and one sister. his sister is married, and his brother is not but he did go on a mission, not sure where but somewhere in mexico. He has been a member since he was 8. That is cool that Kevin went to Utah and visited, luckys, you should tell him to visit me! When does he go into the MTC? Well lets see here. He is going to Tiajuana huh? Well that will be different for him. Okay I am kinda lost for what I want to say, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah. (man this kid likes to ramble. Sorry i didn't feel like editing anything.) The teaching pool is growing slowly. We contact people on the street but they lie about their directions, and stuff so it is dumb, but oh well it is their salvation I did my part. Well not sure what else to write for this week. We are going to a family´s house to have a family home evening with them, it is kind of a less active family with the dad that is not a member. So that will be fun! Don´t know what we are doing but I do know one thing is that we are going to see a movie. So hopefully everything goes well and hopefully get the dad more interested and stuff. So yeah that is basically it Love ya!!

Elder Larsen

1 comment:

Anni said...

geez shay you are so good! I have been a huge slacker! it looks great!
