Friday, March 6, 2009

March 2, 2009

This past week was good, although it did kind of stink too, because well I got sick pretty much the whole week and now I will tell you the story of how it all started. First about sunday of last week I started to sneeze a bunch and my nose was starting to be stuffy, so it was a start of a cold, so I was like great but continued to work and stuff. On wedneday we had divisions with the district leader and the zone leaders, and I went with the zone leader and well things were fine until the night when I felt tired and a headache, but the following day after the divisions we started working but then I got sick to my stomach, I felt like throwing up but didn´t, so we went back to the house and found out that I had a fever as well so I slept pretty much the whole day until the night time then we did some visits. Friday I felt a little better so we worked and stuff and Saturday I felt worse so the morning I slept to feel better for the appointments that we had for the day. Yesterday I felt tired all day because I didn´t sleep well saturday night i don´t know why but oh well. So that is my exciting week although we did have a baptism yesterday of a girl who is 17 years old and has a son that is 1 years old or maybe 2 don´t remember. But the baptism went we had some members come to support and stuff so that was nice. Oh on friday something funny did happen, Okay is that we are knocking on a door of one of the investigator that we found, and well there is this guy that comes up to us out of no where and is like `do you want an orange?` I was like no so he asks my comp the same thing and well my comp didn´t want it either so the guy is like `why don´t you want my orange, what do you have against me` and throws the orange on the ground, and looked like he wanted to fight but lucky for us is that there was a cop car that was coming so my comp signals the cop and the cop is like what is going on here and so the guy who was offered us the orange well picks up the orange and offers it is the cop and the like says okay you know how things work, and the guy opens the car door and gets in by himself and the cop take him away it was so funny but the bad part was that the investigator wasn´t home. Anyways that is my excitement for the week. What do you mean how do we get around? The whole mission walks. This area has a bit more money then the other area, but almost everyone struggles with money but they enjoy the company of their families. Well I think that does it for me this week. Well Love YA!

Elder Larsen

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