Monday, February 23, 2009

February 23, 2009

bueno, voy a escribir un poco en español pues porque Yo puedo y ustedes no pueden entenderme. ¡Que Chistoso! Pues a menos que Tyler me entienda, pero vamos a ver. (Ha ha, again i will not translate, hopefully you know your spanish or know someone who will tell you what it says...) Well sounds like everyone had a fun time this past week. although I do have one question, Sean went to Argentina or Australia? Because I thought you told me Australia but I could be wrong. If he did go to Argentina then he is learning a different spanish then I am. Well same words they just say the words differently but that is cool. What I like about my new area is that it is more of a city life then the small town life that my other area was like, and less streets, and smaller area. The thing that I don´t like is that not a lot of people will listen and the people that will listen are Christian´s that don´t want to be baptized "again" so we don´t have a lot in the teaching pool right now. Oh I do have an experience that was pretty fun. so on friday I do believe, a TJ (Jehova´s witness) came and knocked on the door and one of the sons of the sister where we live goes to the door to see who it is, and there he was a TJ and my comp is like go and teach him so I went and asked where they took out some scriptures from the bible and he responded saying that their bible is the most correct book on the planet because they took the original text from the bible. Well in revelations it says that anyone that takes a word out from this book, then their name shall be taken out from the book of life. But he is like no because this is the from the original deal and things like that. Then I asked him if jehova and jesus is the same person and he said no that jehova is god and that many people are confused by that. Well I showed him some things but he didn´t understand not because of my spanish but he would just change it to something else. But he knows a little about our church so yeah that is just a little bit of my fun this week it was pretty exciting. We are hoping for a couple of baptism this week but one of them has beening going on before I got here, her name is Cenorina and all she needs is money for a divorcement and to get married. And the other we found about two weeks ago and is about ready. Oh and yesterday we went to the visitor center here with some investigators and it went well watch a movie and walked around and answered some questions it was pretty sweet. then that night we played Jenga with the family that we rent from that was fun too, I lost once. well that is pretty much it for this week. Anyways Love Ya!!

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