Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 2, 2009

bueno ¿pueden entenderme? Si no pues ¡Que triste!(do not ask me for translations, i just put the emails on the blog. I have no clue what he is saying. For all i know, he could be making up his own language...) Charle, the super bowl has already happen?! oh well, how were the commercials? I don´t have anything interesting this week. We did help the sister missionaries with their baptism this past week so that was fun. we did the baptism late at night like at 8 en la noche. voy a poner a few palabras of spanish por ustedes so that ustedes aprenda the language tal como me. Okay that was fun, it is pretty cool learning a different language because sometimes like I think in spanish like some words then other times in english but oh well I am sure that is what happened with tyler. So he understands me. (and yet we don't!) Today we had the zone activity in a church building where we played basket ball and fútbal, fetch, the mexicans are way good at fútbal! Es como Charle. Also we ate pizza and watch "Other side of Heaven" so that was fun. So Derek is going to Argentina huh. Thats cool. I guess a lot of people are going to different countries now because before there was a lot of people going to states missions, but who knows everything is inspiration so just depends. This past week we did have contacting, because we got some references like 50, because about a month ago we had in activity at the church. The activity was like the visiter center but smaller, so that is where we got them. So we checked some of those and contacted and stuff. okay so now to answer some questions.
Things are going well with my comp, we think that I will get transfered, and transfers are next week so I will inform you then. Our room is cleaner now then when the district leader came to the apartment. my area is kind of boring actually like there isn´t much to do on P days because it is just like a small town, but about half an hour there is a mall and that is about it. The Ward is alright just not of excitement for missionary work. I don´t have any amazing experiences this past week, but next week I probably will. my clothes are going good for the most part, but my shoes the souls are about worn out, and quite a bit of my socks have holes in them, so things are still good. Well my favorite scripture is a whole chapter, in Alma 26 it is a good one for missionaries. Well the one that I thought of for a song was a child´s prayer, but there are more then that. Oh hey not sure if I told you but sister Bulloch got the christmas card that you sent mom, and says thanks! I think she got it about a month ago. Well I think that is about it for this week. Have fun, and don´t die!!

Les Quiero, or if you like Les Amo

Elder Larsen

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