Thursday, February 12, 2009

January 26, 2009

Sounds like everyone is having a good time with everything. For me one of the most exciting thing that happened to me was last night, because it was funny. So we were walking to the bishop´s house and then we hear a bang! Then the next thing I see was that someone was running away, because he hit his car with someone else´s car, fortunately there was a cop right behind when the accident happened so the cop started to run after the guy and the cop freakin throw him to the ground. I was like wow I am in mexico, it was freakin sweet! So that was pretty exciting. So where is Derek going? So Ted is going on a mission for sure? That´s pretty sweet. Russia huh, that is weird because while I was in the MTC, the people that were going to Russia had to change where they were going because Russia wasn´t accepting anymore for a while, but maybe they changed their minds I don´t know, I hope so! This week has been good, we had a baptism yesterday, it was a kid that his sisters are members but the parents are not because they are not married for civil because the husband thinks that it just a piece of paper and nothing more. so Anyway, on Friday night we had some meat from Oacxca it was freaking good!! so for your question mom, I was not embarrassed when he came.
On Thursday, we helped a sister in the ward, who is in-active, paint her house, while just the frames around the windows outside. So my comp cleaned first then I painted, and we had to use a ladder so that was pretty fun. And today we are going to have a family home evening with a family that are newly members, so that will be fun. Oh so I have started a letter and I am hoping to get it sent here soon, because I finally had a little time to do it. Well that is about it for this week Lucky Kyle eating cookies, and shay Cheesecake. Unlucky for Tyler, I´m sorry Cuate. When does Kevin go into the MTC? What is his e mail? Bueno I am done. Love Ya!!!!!!

Elder Larsen

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