Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 9, 2009

Sounds like everyone had a fun week! I had a pretty good/amazing week, we baptized the dad of a family and his son, in which it completes the whole family so that is cool and really sweet because how this dad got his answer was freaking sweet. it was wednesday night and we go to the house to share a some scriptures, which I shared 2 nephi 4 28 and 30 and also my comp shares a scripture in the bible after that my comp says that we are going to kneel down and pray, and he will pray for his answer. After some time of praying he gets up, and he is crying, and says okay I will get baptized, it was freaking sweet because everyone was crying because of this response as well as that we could feel the influence of the spirit. the baptism went very very well. The wife has been a member for a year, and a number of missionaries have tried to baptize him but didn´t so that was the highlight of my week. Another thing that was cool was that the son is 8 years old, and when he turned 8 he asked his dad that for a birthday gift would be that the dad gets baptized along with the son, so on saturday we did just that. Well that is about it for this past week because we spent quite of bit of time getting him ready for his baptism. Last night I found out that I have transfers, I don´t know where I am going but I will let you know next week, because we find out if we have transfers sunday night, then the transfers happen tuesdays at the church next to the temple. So yeah I think that is about it I thought of something for my next package but I forgot so I guess don´t worry about it. Hey has kevin entered in the MTC? Okay I don´t remember any thing else to write, I have a letter started but I don´t think I will have time today to finish it, because we still have to wash and I need to pack my stuff up for tomorrow. Well LOVE YA!!!

Elder Larsen

1 comment:

Laundry said...

sounds like he's having a blast! good to hear! (btw does he know that you started publishing his letters online...????? haha just wondering...)
