Wednesday, October 8, 2008

August 21, 2008 Another fun week....

Email # some thing or another....

Yep yesterday, Sunday, and today have been pretty interesting days. Yesterday we checked out to see how long it would be for our visas, and they said at the travel offices is that we will be getting them in the next two weeks so they are just going to keep us here til we get them. When we asked them yesterday they got kinda mad at us because I guess a lot of missionaries that are going to mexico are wondering the same thing and the travel office people were getting annoyed with that. So yesterday was kinda of a bad day, but then today Elder Goates (my companion), Elder Meyers, and Elder Lines are getting their visas today, infact that is where they are at right now!! They are with the consulate of Mexico getting their visas! It is kinda werid not having a companion with me, well him with me anyways. So that got everyone excited to go. We as a district have decided that the people in the travel office don't know what is going on the visas either, so really we are just playing things by ear. Which is dumb but oh well not much I can do about it.
On Sunday, the devotional speaker was Elder Dallin H. Oaks! He came sunday and spoke about The Sacrament, and how it is important in everyone's lives and especially in the lives of missionaries. how it is important is that partaking the Sacrament is that the blessing that comes from it is the constant companionship of the holy ghost, which we definitely need as missionaries to teach with the power of the Spirit. So overall it was a Good Talk. So actually My companion just got back!! He is leaving MONDAYish!!! It is so awesome! They just take a picture, thumb print, and then they stamped, plus they got to see part of the olympics! So now I am pumped about things here! Well that is basically the best part of this week. Me and my companion also taught another lesson in spanish, which I thought it went well.
(he just rambles about stuff like a suitcase and memory card, nothing really important unless you really want to know how he is sending all that fun stuff...) So no travel plans yet, and I have had heard that missionaries do get to call home before we leave. Sounds like home is going to be quite without me and shay, and tyler and kyle doing their own things. Yep so I think I am done now Love Ya!
ps I will let you know when the visas come, or what is going on here about traveling.

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