Saturday, October 4, 2008

July 3, 2008 (Email)

The last one was a letter letter!

Email #1

Hi family!
They are letting me email! cool eh?! (Wants to say random stuff because he can't remember what the last letter said....)
The MTC is great! Food is good! Elder Tanner is from Gilbert Arizona and Elder Snook from Carbin County (where ever that is. Shawn didn't say!) And my Companion is from Cold Springs. He has 2 older sisters and then him and his parents in his family! One of his sisters is getting married next week. (Oh and Shawn wishes mom a happy birthday... That child is late! :( ) Languge is great. My comp took 4 years of spanish so he helps a lot! The fireworks were great and all (4th of July if you didn't already think of that...) The monkey is great ramble ramble ramble.... (he is gone a lot so he doesn't take care of George!) The days are long here. (tries to type in spanish but gives up...) yeah he just rambles on! For the rest of it.....
K love ya all!
Elder whatshisbucket

Note from Anni- I am going to kick his butt! He typed kyle's love shawn in at the end of the email... not a good child... he is pretty much dead! :(

(two not so happy faces in the letter. He is a dead child!)

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