Saturday, October 4, 2008

July 3, 2008

Letter #2

Okay, now that I have the letter with me! I can answer questions! (yay!) Elder Goates is going to Mexico Tuxtla, Gutierrez Mission, which is a ten hour drive from Mexico City. We have 10 Elders in my district. Two to Bolivia, Two to Oaxacaco Mexico (don't know where that one is... anyways) The rest of the elders are going to the same mission as I am. (Which is cool because they are all cool! We get along just dandy!) The language is coming good. Learned how to pray and testify in Spanish, so it was pretty fun. Good report on house keeping! (Yay for clean room!) Kyle, you are missing getting after me for a dirty room! (ha ha!) (ramble ramble ramble...) P-days on thursdays. So we got to go the Temple today (which is like the Ogden Temple) They are going to close it for a few weeks here soon.
Most of my days are learning the language and some of it is to study. My teachers are not native speakers; for instance, one teacher went to Spain on his mission and is now teaching here. MTC is great! The spirit is nice.
Also on Saturday my companion and I taught the first lesson. Also we introduced oursleves in Spanish. (Yay!) On Tuesday we sang in the choir. Anyways love ya all!

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