Tuesday, October 7, 2008

August 7, 2008 ( I don't know what happend to July 24.... It ran away I guess...)

So this week has been pretty good. Elder Goates and I was appointed as Zone Leaders on Sunday (way to go. They weren't behaving there so they got a special calling. Goodness! Jk) and yesterday we had 10 new missionaries come into the zone which 8 of them are going to Mexico City West and the other 2 are going to Peru.
So as Zone Leaders (or ZL's we should say) we got to five a little orientation about the zone, and obedients to rules, along with that we took them on a tour of the campus and showed where things were. I was pretty excited yesterday doing this, and it was a lot of fun! Also as a ZL I get to interview the district leaders every friday morning, and go to some more meetings on Sunday, and hust make sure everyone in the zone is doing good.
Also this past week Elder Goates and I taught a lesson in spanish again. It went a lot better this week than last week. The guy that we had was extremly nice about it all and did the part of an investigator. So it was prett awesome.
My spanish is coming along well(well, we hope so, he's been there for over a month. He should know something by now....) these next two weeks is going to be nothing but spanish speaking to each other in the district, but only on special occasion that we can speak English. It will be a challenge but I'm going to do it, the best that I can anywasy. Oh another story! (Story time, everyone get your pillow and blankets!)
So the mexican visas are hard to get right now because the consultant of mexico is doing something i'm not sure, so the missionaries that were gong to mexico and didn't have their visa were just staying here at the MTC longer until they get it or until they get temporally called to some other mission state side. Now they are doing it is that if we don't have our visa on time then we are just going to be shipped somewhere else till we get our visas. (sounds like they are just extra luggage right?) So yeah that is the scoop of things. (nice story right?) (okay so it's just alright)
So yeah that is the scoop of things. Things are going great, the devotionals are good. (well, then he rambles on for a while longer............ still rambling...... k he's done!)

Spanish is amazing, the mission is awesome! Well till next week family.

Love your amazing, handsome, coolest, best, loving, smart, spanish speaking hermano y hijo.
(for you spanish speakers you will get that ending and if your not, you better figure it out! JK it means brother and son.)(and if i'm wrong, which i'm pretty sure i'm not, then correct me.-So says Shay.)


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