Tuesday, October 7, 2008

July 17, 2008

Email #3

Yesterday, was pretty much amazing because me and my companion did another teaching lessons thing on the plan of salvation, and it went amazing!! Like it was our best lesson yet, the spirit was strong there and the lesson and everything just went smoothly! Also before the teaching we had to act like we were picking up our investigator to go to church, and go to a buss stop which we had to talk in all spanish for it you know, carry a conversation so that was fun, I did okay at it. Also yesterday a companionship left because they are going to Lima Peru, MTC which is cool. They were pretty nice and good people. Elder Cope is from Provo, and Elder Evans is from some small town in Colorado I don't remember where, but they are excited to go and kinda nervous about the language and stuff but I think that they will be just fine. But on a sadder note unfortunately another Elder from the district had to go home today. He had Surgery (he couldn't spell surgery! he put surgerily!! funny child!) on June 25, the day that we checked in and i guess the doctor said it would be heaked enough for him to come to the MTC on the followng Monday, and do the missionary work. But it heal didn't heal as fast has it should have and wasn't really getting any better here so he got sent home this morning. But he said taht he will come back to the MTC when he is ready, which could be like a month, but still, the face he is coming backis pretty amazing!
Oh! My district goes tot he choir and stuff and last Sunday we sang "Blessing" or Come thou Fount ofEvery Blessing, and I as on the Screen!!!! So now I am really popular!!! Okay, not really but it was still cool.
Oh another thing, you know the cleaning paper that tells us how clean our room is, well, the funny thing is that my desk was a mess,a dn my bed wasn't made so I thought I should tell the truth on that mark. (that liar! He told us that his room was clean!!! Goodness!)
Also just out of randomness, my comp acts almost like Kyle so it is always fun here. "I know kung fu." "Is it ice tea?"

There you go folks, Shawn knows kung fu and drinks ice tea. That is what he is learning. Maybe he will teach us when he gets home.....

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