Sunday, October 26, 2008

September 8 2008

(this is anni first time of posting on here so we will see how well I can reach to the bar that shay set. :) I definately have a challenge!)

Email! (I lost the number we are on)
Well this is week has been good but pretty hard because I don´t understand what the people are saying. Anyways the Baptism went well, I was nervous, (her name is like 21 letters in it! wow!!!!) Yeah they have long names here. Although I do have the Baptism prayer memorized so that was nice just had to remember her name, that was kind of a stuggle but my companion helped me. (he sent some bug spray and stuff back home because he thought that his suit case would be too heavy with it and he didn't want to pay a truck load and a half of money to take it with him.... which he ended up doing after all but not as much I guess. * it was a little shorter for me to edit*) All of the houses have fences and we would knock on the door a lot or sometimes the house has a door bell to ring. Also here are a lot of tiny stores that have the same things, and I think it is part of their house or at least some of them are. The people here are CRAZY Drivers! (worse than Utah drivers that must be really bad) Our apartment is nothing to look at really just empty, Also a couple of times this past week we didn´t have hot water, so we would have to heat up some water to take a shower, but today we just decided to take a cold shower, and boy was it freakin COLD!! (I wondered if he turned blue?) (shawn is telling stories now...... I think shay would call it rambling.) I don´t drink the water, well the dirty water, everyone purifies their water so it is all good. (WARNING!!!!!!! DO NOT DRINK THE WATER IN MEXICO!!!!!) About half of the food is good and the other half is just okay. My favorite so far would have to be the quesidilla here are amazing!! Plus Americans say that word wrong, like we are not even close to what it is suppose to be. (more stories! He doesn't know where the post office is. its lost..... sad day. stories, stories, stories) Well that is it so good day eh
Love ya all

so hopefully I did good on the first post i've done! do i get the stamp of approval? I will try to be more on top of things and post more. until next time!

1 comment:

Laundry said...

Annie.. I love you! haha. You did a great job updating for him.. I also must laugh at the butt load of money he had to spend. haha
