Thursday, November 19, 2009

April 6, 2009

Okay first of all yes I did get to go to all of conference and yes we brought a couple to the morning session on saturday. Although I couldn´t understand all of it because for most of conference I had a headache so that was rough, but when I paid attention then I could understand it so yeah, so from what I could understand, it was good. Another thing is that sorry that this is kind of late but we kind of got a late start on somethings here because we went to play some fubal with the zone and stuff and we didn´t get back until like 2 or 3 I don´t remember, then we went to go eat with a member and things like that. It was fun though, got a little bit burnt that is okay. we play for a couple of hours and drank water. Also I made one goal but it was with luck that I made it, because I kicked the ball and it bounces off a foot of the opposite team and goes in so that was awesome. This week was good because we found Waldo and he lives here in mexico with his wife(Alejandra) with no kids yet. In Which they are married and I don´t think that they smoke, and they hardly drink, and are open on sundays, which it is hard to find people like that in mexico it is always like woman, beer, and work. Anyway these people are pretty sweet, and are like oh we want to be baptized, and we were like okay let us show you the font that happens to be full of water. Okay not like that but they are cool and totally awesome, because they do everything that we ask them to do, so I am positive that we will have a baptizm here on 19th of april, in fact we have already put that date with them, and they said yes so things are going good. well nothing else right now oh wait about my comp. He is a convert to the church about 3 years ago, and he was introduced to the church by his girlfriend, Which she is still his girlfriend, He is the only member of his family because his dad doesn´t like it and his mom is like whatever, and I don´t know what his sisters. And yes he only has sisters, he has 3 sisters and his parents, his parents are separated, so yeah anything more, oh yeah he has the same amout of time in the mission as I do and what I really like about him is that he is sarcastic (speelinger ¿ I am lossing me ability of english speaked) and that he is always asking people to see if there is something we could help with, or just doing it. So the only thing about the package is a jump drive thing to put pictures on and e mails, and please send it soon because the next transfers are on May 9th and the transfers, zone activities, and when we have zone conference are when we get pouch so send it now and I will get it at the district class meeting after transfers so yeah well I thing that is about it. I was Pachuca about Christmas time when me and my comp took a bus so we could get our hair cut, well we got on and there was a family which a kid and his dad were sick and throwing up, like they looked normal and stuff but then they would just throw up then go back to normal life, it was weird but that is the kind of things you would find here in mexico. Oh I hope that story was inspriring for everyone. The pres is doing good, he is a very good man like tommy said, he is a very spritual man, and he can slam some missionaries very well also. Yeah okay that is about it for me so yeah have a good day!

Love Ya!!

Elder Larsen


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