Thursday, November 19, 2009

March 16, 2009

Okay, we just got back from a zone activity which we played fùtbal, and basketball and we watched other side of heaven. It was good, The team that I was on was the worst, we had three teams, two would play and we would switch when someone makes a goal, I think we made one goal during the time that we played. I was pretty much the keeper. So we haven`t done our laundry because we left at 9 to get there for the activity, and the sister where we live wants us to help her with somethings in the house I guess they are changing some things around. We do our laundry with a investgador that should be baptismed but now she doesn`t want to go to the church, but we can go and do our laundry. She has a laundromat kinda of thing so we leave our laundry then some stuff come back and talk to her and some of her kids and that about it. The spanish is coming along, it is getting better and better. So we now have a new Elder huh, who else is with him? How much time does he have on the mission? Tell him to keep up with language and that it does come, because I know what it feels like being thrown into a country that doesn`t speak your language, and trying to learn theirs which you probably won`t see him alot because they have the whole stake right? Here for food, we sometimes cook in the mornings if we have food in the house and for lunch the members feed us, and for dinner it is on our own sometimes we ate with members or with the members where we live. Yesterday we went to a family that really doesn`t have anything, from what I have seen is that they only have two rooms one is where they sleep and a family room and the other is the kitchen, in which they are not connected and they both are like the size of your room, mom and dad, the kitchen might be a little bit smaller then that. So that was interesting, I have seen poor, even poorer then that even. In my other area there was this family that we were teaching that had the samething as this family, a kitchen and a room where they sleep. But if you ask them for something or to do something, they would give it you and they would do it, with pleasure. We did give a talk in church sunday, I think it went well saw some heads nod so they understood me. I talked about a testimony, and my comp about the atonement and so I think it went well. Well that is it for today I am out of time so until next week.

Love Ya!!

Elder Larsen


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