Thursday, November 19, 2009

April 20, 2009

Well this week kind of was well it just didn´t work out to well, Because we didn´t have any investigadors go to church and all of the new investigadors backed out on us and everything so it quite work out this week. Sunday was stake conference here, I don´t know if it was good or what because we were waiting for investigadors to come and calling them and stuff but nothing but everything is going good. It is nice to know that we have our Heavenly Father that knows our needs and situtations. D&C 68:3 I read this scripture and it helped me get though this week especial yesterday. Hard times will come but come what may and love it, that was the topic of the talk that Elder Withlin gave before he passed away, and well I am doing good. Waldo and Alejandra ( his wife) they are going good, they had there interview last week but they are not going to get baptized until the 3rd of May but we will see, also another man named Ricardo who will get baptized that same day but he has a bit more problems like smoking, drinking, but has the desire to change which is really good. But other then those two nothing, we found a family but I think they are trying to dodge us. Yeah so that is kind of how my week has been but we are hoping that this week we be alot better. Oh another thing this past week is that we had divisions with the district leader. So I went with the district leader´s comp and the district leader went with my comp, and I worked in their area and for lunch we go to a sister in the ward, so we go and stuff eat some food then we talk for a bit and then she tells us that she has a learning problem and not very good at public speaking, like she would get nervous like really nervous to the point where she gets sick almost, and in any type of public speaking like to answer a question, or give the prayer so I thought that was a bit odd because she talked to us just fine and she even mentions that, that with us (the missionaries) she is just fine so that was weird I thought. Oh another thing I just remember it is kind of a sad story though. the day after the divisions with the district leader we had a appointment with a pregnant woman, who apected everything, the book of mormon, going to church, and her baptismal date. So we go to the appointment and stuff and before we could say anything she says that she doesn´t anything to do with the church because she had talked to her family and the reason was that the baby needed to get baptized because the Orginal Sin and that we don´t believe in that kind of thing. So we explain it and total about baptism of children but she is like no I like my religon and gives back the book of mormon and I was like dang, she just rejected God and a very precious gift, so then we left and that was it. tomorrow we have the zone conference for a good part of the day. So that will be exciting. Well that is really it for me as in for had happened to me. Sounds like everything back home is going good Pigs flying (I have yet to see that, so you will have to tell about that one Shay), computer hacking skills, and the usuals. Well I think that this is it Have fun!! Love Ya!!!

Elder Larsen

D&C 68:3

(ahhhh i give -.-")

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