Thursday, November 19, 2009

May 18, 2009

As for me, we had a baptism yesterday and we are going to have another one this sunday, and then the following sunday will be the Christians (Javier and his family) so things are going a little bit better here. now as for my new comp. his name is Elder Moreno, he is 22, his parents are now members, he is a convert at the age of 15, he has 22 months in the mission, and he is from Panama. So it is cool. So this past week we have had some things happen like another drunk came out of nowhere and started to talk to us, well mainly to my comp because I was talking on the phone with the bishop, and he was really drunk and he asked us where we were from and I said that I was from Tamuilipas and my comp said from Sonora but when I said that I was from tamuilipas the drunk was like "OH that´s awesome your mexican, we are friends" It was fun, and very funny because we just continued to have fun with this guy until we had to go, but he was so drunk. Also some other stories, we were walking in the street and stuff and on one of the street there is some constuction, so when we passed by the constuction place the workers came out and started to shout at us saying "go away mormons" and "Extranjeros" but we just walked away. which extranjero is some one that is from one country and then goes to a different one so like the mexicans that are that go the United states are Extranjeros also. There is another story but it is the same as that last one. Tomorrow we are going to the temple to get a picture taken of everyone in the mission. Okay now about the family (Javier) they came to church this past week and they liked it and everything but during the whole time that they were there Javier was writing something down, like questions I think which is good so we can get some doubt out of the way. So we have an appointment with them tomorrow so we will see how that goes. Well I think that is about it for right now so talk to you next week!


Elder Larsen


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