Thursday, November 19, 2009

March 23, 2009

Bueno so transfers are this week, and guess what I have transfers. How transfers work is that we call to the District leader sunday night, and he tells us if we have transfers, then if we do, we go next to the temple with all of the missionaries that have transfers then they us where we are going. So I don´t have a clue where I am going, and I think that they are going to close this area that I am in right now too, because my comp is going to and we need to pay the rent for march so they might close it. Which is kind of weird because on saturday we had the people from the visiter center come, to the church building in my area, to give like a small tour and some movies. And all of the missionaries in the zone came to help with this, the missionaries brought people to the building for a small tour and there they would get there directions if they were interested to learn more, well that was saturday and we recived like 80 references, and most of them are in my area so we will see what will happen, if the other missionaries in the other ward will get to go looking for those names or what because that is a lot! Oh well, So something funny happened this week. So we live with some members, and the dad`s mom is kind of crazy, anyways, so one day my comp and I we find this hole in the like "their Driveway" which this old lady had dug just for fun. She used a pickaxe to break the cement and then the shovel, and Hole wasn`t small either, it was a good 2 feet wide and 1 foot long, and kind of deep, I am not sure how deep but about 2 or 3 feet deep. So that is my funny story for the week. The whether here is weird, it is hot most of the time though, I got burnt saturday. Oh one day in the night time, we were going to some appointments and it starts to rain a little bit, then more and more and pretty soon it was raining hard and we started to run to some appointments but nobody wanted to answer the door, and we think it is because of the rain, we decide to run home, and we were completely soaked it was awesome! We I guess that this will be it for this week, and next week i will let you know where I am.
Love YA!!!!

Elder Larsen

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