Thursday, November 19, 2009

March 30,2009

I am not lost! I know exactly where I am at, at all times, it is just that other people may not where I am. Okay I am in chimualcan, or something like that. That is the name of the Area, the state is the State of mexico. The zone is called Los Reyes and something else, my area is called Los Olivos. The area is good, and pretty big, about as big as my first area, With lots of people walking around infact there is probably just as many people as there is dirt, and there is a lot of dirt here I mean a lot. Also this area is really cool because we live on a mountian side, and the top is pretty sweet it feels a little bit like home. So yeah we have a pretty sweet view of things, of the area, and city and we get to walk up hills most of the day so my legs will be huge when I leave this area. This area a bit more poorer then my last area but it is all cool. Also in the district that I am in, well the area of the district there is an inactive volcano, so we are thinking going to it and take pictures and stuff, and you can go right into the crater and stuff so it will be pretty awesome. Okay my comp is pretty chill, his name is Elder Alcala, and he is from Oaxca Mexico. So he is my second comp from Oaxca. This guy loves to joke around lot, so that means he is pretty funny. before the mission he took some karate classes, he knows how to play the guitar, and he is pretty good at fùlbal. Oh and by the way he says HI. The Ward is pretty good, well for a good first impresion, we will see how things go, but the bishop is pretty sweet, he is a returned missionary so he knows what we do day to day, which helps a lot. The house is really small, all it is is two rooms and the bathroom, but the cool part about it is that it is really cheap, it cost about 800 pesos which it dollars would be about 40 or 60 dollars with water and light, so it is really really cheap. The one of the two rooms consist of our beds , a desk, and a rack to hang the clothes and the other has two sofas, and a desk where our kicthen is, then the bathroom with the shower. What is a recession? Well I guess that question answered about 2 of your questions, mom. I haven´t bought new socks I am just going to use the ones I have until there is nothing left. Oh about my other Area is well, yeah they closed it, so there isn´t any missionaries there right now. But I don`t know if other missionaries from another area are going to work with the references or what, but I hope that they do because there were a lot of them. I am doing alright, I might be getting sick again as well as my comp but we will see what will happen, but other then the sick part I am doing great. My favorite scripture is well how about a couple of chapters? Mosiah2, 3, 4, 5. I love the speech that King benjamin, (spelling ?), because he hits a lot of key points to a good spritual life. About serving our fellow men, and about jesus and the Atonement, and how we should do good continenually, and a lot of other things that maybe hard to do or to change but the exprience in the garden was harder (Elder Holland said something to the effect of this). the Savior preformed that act for us to be able to have Salvation and to live with Him and God. Okay enough of the spritual stuff but my favorite food is the tacos here because they are simply amazing! The food here is differently better! Okay well that is about it for today so yeah

LOVE YA!!!!!!!

Elder Larsen

(lol his spelling is getting worse how cute lol #4 i think...... i dont remember)

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