Thursday, November 19, 2009

July 6, 2009

okay so some good news this week, it is werid also. So Last week I told you that all of my pictures got deleted? Well today I come here at the computer and put in the jump drive and open it and suddenly there are my pictures again so I guess I still have them but it was really werid but it is good weird. Although if you could send me another one that way I have one that is for the pictures and the other for other things that would be really nice. Okay so I have a funny for everyone okay so last sunday not yesterday but a week from yesterday, anyways so the district leader tells us that there is a zone conference wednesday so we are like okay that is a little weird because usually they are on tuesdays but we were like okay so wednesday comes and we go the place where the conference was going to be, then we get there and nobody is there and we were like um okay this is cool, also the district leader told us that it was at 9 but we needed to be there like at 8 45, and we got there like at 9 and nobody was there so we go and call the district leader and he tells us that it was yesterday (tuesday) and that he is waiting for us at our church building so we were like oh crap we missed the conference and now the President is going to yell at us, so start making our way back to our area and stuff to go meet with the district leader so we get there and he asks us why we didn`t go to the zone conference and we were like um because you told us that it was today, so yeah it was funny. Also there were some things that were funny that happened this week but I don`t remember them right now. I did get the package that you guys sent with the the photo of the mission and yes it is the one that everyone thought it was, The first choice that you pick was actually Elder Anderson, who lives in the 5 th ward well before it got split. The wheather has been really rainy because from june to august is just rain, so we have had a lot of rain which is good because heat is getting over rated here and so it feels good when it rains. Oh I just remember something I have seen dogs that don`t have a leg and when I see them I think of L`le Brudder from Homestarrunner then I laugh and point at them. Okay I don`t point but I do laugh. The next transfers are july 28th, but my comp goes home on the 24 or 22 or something like that so I don`t know what will happen for those days. My health is good, not sick so I guess that is good. My clothes still look like clothes. Oh I do have another story, remember the toe nail or at least my toe that hurt when we played scorerr? Well I took off the nail because there was another nail that was starting to grow and stuff and the nail was starting to come off so I took it out and took some pictures and it looks good. Well that is it for today

LOVE YA!!!!!!!

Elder Larsen

(lol our happy lil missionary)

June 29, 2009

So guess what happened this week, and it is not something good it is something bad. Saturday we went to a internet cafe to make a program for the baptisms so we can just print it out and fill in what we need to fill in, and so we make it and everything and I saved it on my jump drive and everything right so I would have it for the mission and then we could open my jump drive not sure why and the lady that was there was helping us then the virus thing came up on my jump drive so the helper lady runs a virus protection software and it detects my pictures that I had safed on the jump drive then she deletes them without asking me and I was like what the crap are you doing and I had deleted them from my camora because I put them on the jump drive where I thought they were going to be safe but no that was wasn´t a safe spot so the pictures that I had taken of my whole mission up to this point have been deleted. It kinda sucks. Also this week has kinda been a bummer one also because we didn´t find lot of people to teach, but we did have a baptism and that went really well. the person that got baptized is Natalia and her mom and her brother are members but not the dad and he doesn´t want anything to do with the church well he just doesn´t want to get baptized and most of their extended family are members also so it was cool. We sang a song as part of the baptismal service it went well I think, we sang "Come thou of every blessing" first we sang it in english then in spanish it was pretty sweet. well apart of that and not having my pictures anymore that was it.


Elder Larsen

(awe but no worries the pictures get fixed so YAY he has them now ^.^)

June 22, 2009

Anyways, This week has been good with some children fighting and some people on the ground sleeping because they got drunk, let me tell ya Mexico is pretty cool, at first your like "this is odd why do they do that," and "what is he doing." But then everything goes cool and you get use to it. Okay so first off, on Monday we went to some old investigadors that were in the area book and there was a lot of kids, it is a family of 7 kids and the parents and the oldest of the kids is like 13 or 14 then it is like 11 and so on, and they live in a two room house, and the bathroom so it is really small, and they don`t have a lot of things either. The mom doesn`t work because she can`t, she had open heart oporation ( my english is getting worse, okay maybe I just don`t know how to spell) and with that she can`t do a lot or else she would get sick, and the Dad isn`t much of a dad because well he works and everything but he does`t take of the kids and is going off with some one else and sometimes doesn`t give money to the kids so that they could eat and everything so yeah, but that is everything that they have told us but we think that some of it is a lie, but we will see. However we did find a family of 6 and 5 are above the age of 8 so that is cool and they came to church, so everything there is good, they are kinda like the Christian family that we baptized so it is pretty sweet. Okay another thing, yesterday, the christian family that we baptized moved from the appartment that were living in and moved the another appartment and in the same appartment building that we live in so they are now our neighbors. They moved because the owner from the other building pretty much ran them out so yeah it is pretty cool. Now about this fight. On Thursday or Friday not sure which, we saw a group of friends well that is what I thought at first but then two kids just start hitting each other I was like Wow what is going on and stuff, so they fight for like 2 minutes then they each went their own way, so it started and ended it was weird, and I did see one of the kids and he was bleeding a little bit. So yeah that took place on the street where we live. So yeah This has been my week this week. Pretty sweet huh. Now my comp. He is from Panama, he lives on the other side of the country of the capital and he goes home in a month. he has 9 brothers and sisters and he is the youngest in his family, he has a sister that is a member of the church but the rest are not, but his parents have told him that when he comes back home they will be baptized so that is pretty sweet for him, and a blessing for coming on the mission. Well I think that I am done now,


Elder Larsen


June 15, 2009

Fetch this past week was kinda rough, because we couldn´t find anyone new to bring to church and we didn´t have that many at church, but I am doing good and we are going to work harding this next week. Okay so updates Adan didn´t get baptized because we unable to find him at his house the only person that we could find was his wife and she dosen´t really want us there so we haven´t been able to talk to him, and he didn´t come to church but we are going to try again this week. Okay now for the others, we did baptize Yuliet sunday but not her mom because she is living we some other dude so we couldn´t do anything for her and we found this information out like thursday or wednesday and the funny part was that we had explain the law of chasity to her and all that but she didn´t tell us that she is living with someone else. Although we did baptized yuliet it would have been better if we had baptized her mom as well but oh well. We did talk to the person that she is living with but he thinks that if they get married that he would have to get baptized also but we told that he dosen´t have to if he dosen´t want to. So he is a little slow in the head on that, but he will give us an answer this week we are hoping for the best. Well the Christain family are just fine, rolling along and they just keep rolling along. Yesterday the dad recived the priesthood and are doing great. Oh by the way, transfers are this week and no I don´t have transfers nor does my comp so I will be here another 2 transfers at least because the next transfers my comp is going home, he will have finished his mission so that will be cool for us. Well things are going well here don`t have anything else to type so I think I will make in end to my letter.


Elder Larsen

(is he working hard yet?)

June 8,2009

Well this past week we didn`t have a baptism but this week we will, and we will baptism about 3 so that will be cool. One of them should have baptized last sunday but his wife kind of prevented it from happening, and the other two are a mom, and her daughter. So now I will example their situations. so the one that should have baptized this past sunday, his name is Adan. So one day last week we go to his house at the hour that we had the appointment and like his wife comes out and tells us that he doesn`t want to get involved in the church because he was getting confused and stuff and that he doesn`t want to talk, so we were like okay well then, so we ask his wife to see if we could talk to him and she was like okay so we go to talk to Adan and he then tells us that he enjoyed church and wants us to keep teaching him and stuff, so we were like really well then so we talk some more we ask them for their birth certifecate because they are not married for the law in which you need to be if you are living with someone, so we ask them for that but Adan couldn`t find his so we said that we will come back the next day to see if he had found it. So the next day comes and we go and Adan was not there but his wife was and tells us that he could find his paper so we told that we would come back later to talk to him and so we go back and stuff and knock on the door and then comes the wife and tells us that Adan doesn`t want anything, that he doesn`t want to be confused so we were like crap and that was friday night but on sunday guess what, Adan came to church and tells us that he found his paper so we are going to try again this week with him. Now for the other two. The mom well her husband died 10 years ago and wants to see him again so we explianed all of that and she liked it, she like going to church and everything, and really there isn`t any problem with her and her daughter. Transfers are this week or the following week, I am not sure which week because of the flu thing last month so we will see what happens. The Area is very hot and more heat, it stopped raining last week. Well I need to go. My time is up for today.

LOVE YA!!!!!

Elder Larsen


June 1, 2009

Okay so here in mexico it has rained a lot these past 2 weeks it is kinda crazy. About 2 weeks ago when it was raining and there was lighting and stuff, we were in the church because my comp needed to go to the bathroom and also it was raining a ton anyways we were waiting for the rain to stop so that we could leave but it didn`t stop for awhile then suddenly there was this loud noise you know why? Well because lighting hit a cable, which this cable was for the lights, so it hits the cable and the post and the cable is on the ground but what had happened is that the cable fell in the water so you could see sparks and stuff it was pretty cool and stuff. And for this week we baptized the christian family all of them. So it was freaking sweet because they were so prepared by the hands of the Lord to get baptized and this sunday they will be members and have the Holy Ghost, and I know that the dad will be a bishop one day because if you could have the chance to talk to this guy and some of the things that he says and his attitude about things and stuff, you would realize how prepared he actualy was. He knows the life of Christ and tries to follow it. for an example like other sunday there was this conflict or contention in the classroom in church, and me and my comp we were like oh great now we get to talk about that the next that we go to his house, so we go to his house afterwards and stuff and we talk then this thing that happened in the classroom came up so we were explaining it and stuff then he says to us that everything is alright, he did feel a little uncomfortable about what had happened but he says that he dosen`t go to church for anyone else but for himself because salvation is personal, so we were like alright this guy is diffinetly prepared to be baptized so yeah that is all for this week. We did play some Futbal, and football, and my legs got burnt but not my face because I put sunblock on, but I didn`t think about my legs but we play and stuff, then there was a zip line but not everyone got to do it becaue we had to eat our food and get on the food so we ate sandwiches which was good. Well I think that is all for this week, we might have a baptizm this sunday but we will see. Okay well I think that I am done for today,

So LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!

Elder Larsen

(rain rain rain rain rain)

May 26, 2009

Okay eh so this week has been good, I can`t remember everything that happened this week but I will try to remember so things. First thing is that we had a baptizm this past week and we will have more this week also, a family that are catolicos and christians and all that jazz so things are going well. We are hoping as well to have another baptizm the following week but we will see how things go. So that is my tip of the week, Flirt to converte ( I am hoping that I am spelling things right). And really simple is the only word that we need in the gospel, because going deep brings questions even for members and some of these questions can`t be answered but will be in the future, so after the questions comes the doubt and doubt brings more doubt then the more doubt helps that person stay in there house sunday mornings and doing other things that they shouldn´t be doing. So this is my other tip for the week, keeps things simple people. Okay now for some expriences of mine. First is that this morning we played futbal with the boys of the family that we are going to baptize this sunday, and that was fun but this one time I had the ball and I was going to kick it so it would go in the air and so I kick and guess what my foot actually hit the ground then my toe started to hurt so I checked it and started to go a little bit purple but I didn`t break it but later after playing futbal some more and we are in our house and stuff I check it again just from looking at the sock, I knew that it had bleed(spelling ?) a little bit so i WAS LIKE CRAP so it hurts a little bit and it has swollen a little bit also but things are good. This past week we had our picture taken but as a mission so I got to see everyone from the MTC and old comps well not my dad because he is a goner Anyways I think that this is it for today so


Elder Larsen

May 18, 2009

As for me, we had a baptism yesterday and we are going to have another one this sunday, and then the following sunday will be the Christians (Javier and his family) so things are going a little bit better here. now as for my new comp. his name is Elder Moreno, he is 22, his parents are now members, he is a convert at the age of 15, he has 22 months in the mission, and he is from Panama. So it is cool. So this past week we have had some things happen like another drunk came out of nowhere and started to talk to us, well mainly to my comp because I was talking on the phone with the bishop, and he was really drunk and he asked us where we were from and I said that I was from Tamuilipas and my comp said from Sonora but when I said that I was from tamuilipas the drunk was like "OH that´s awesome your mexican, we are friends" It was fun, and very funny because we just continued to have fun with this guy until we had to go, but he was so drunk. Also some other stories, we were walking in the street and stuff and on one of the street there is some constuction, so when we passed by the constuction place the workers came out and started to shout at us saying "go away mormons" and "Extranjeros" but we just walked away. which extranjero is some one that is from one country and then goes to a different one so like the mexicans that are that go the United states are Extranjeros also. There is another story but it is the same as that last one. Tomorrow we are going to the temple to get a picture taken of everyone in the mission. Okay now about the family (Javier) they came to church this past week and they liked it and everything but during the whole time that they were there Javier was writing something down, like questions I think which is good so we can get some doubt out of the way. So we have an appointment with them tomorrow so we will see how that goes. Well I think that is about it for right now so talk to you next week!


Elder Larsen


May 11, 2009

Okay first thing is first and that is that I don´t have transfers, but my comp does, so tomorrow we will be going to the temple which I did find out that the temple is in mexico city, which I should have known duh, anyways we live like an hour and a half from the temple is we are kinda close to the temple but not really. My other area where I was before was much closer, we were like 20 from the temple so that is really close. Good I was hoping that everyone had enjoyed the phone call because I sure did, but am I trunky? No, nor did having dan there or anni make things worse so don´t worry. Although I was kinda surprised that shay´s roommates were there that was cool but who are they, well which ones I meant. How was my english? I can only imagine how it was, and just think it just might go down hill from there, well maybe. I am just going to put a bunch of one liners in this e mail just to make things confusing. Well things are going good. Well I think i will send this now and if something else comes up well then I will write another one.

Okay so Love YA!!

Elder Larsen

May 4, 2009


So today really doesn´t feel like my birthday because well it just doesn´t. in the morning we had a zone activity in which we just played futbal, and basketball. It was fun, made a goal in futbal so that was pretty amazing, I day I will be in the pros playing against other pros but real pros. lets see here I am pretty sure that later on tonight there will be a party at a sister´s house, i know this because I heard my comp and the sister talking about it. Oh but the cool thing is that we are going to baptism a girl today at 6 but the not sure cool thing is that she is 8 years old so it doesn´t count for us but oh well it is the same work. we also had a baptism yesterday that was cool. Also we didn´t have church yesterday, but I think we will have them this sunday I am hoping, and also being able to contact and knock doors, It is kind of boring just asking for references and waiting, although the mission gave us a list of the members of our ward and so we have been looking at that and working with them and there are some that don´t show up in the list but say that they were baptized so they might need to be baptized again but we are working on that to see if they do or not. We might have another baptism this sunday also a kid that is 10 and his sister who is 8 Which i think it will happen so that will be cool. Okay as for the transfers, well they are putting off all transfers until after this swine flu is over or until it is better and we can have them, they are hoping for this sunday so we will see, also that is why the missionaries in the MTC that are going to Mexico are being delayed right now but they will be here next week I hope. Okay so I have a story right now, yesterday after the baptism in the night time, we were going to a less active family to visit them and as we were walking there, there came this guy walking towards us, I didn´t see him until he was next to us and it was a drunk so he greets us everything so we walk with him until we get the sister´s house then we were like okay we need to go now but he was like no,( during this whole time I didn´t understand what the drunk was trying to say, well I caught bits and pieces but it was bad spanish) so we talk again about the same things like about the swine flu and where did it come from, and why americans don´t want mexicans in their country, then he says to my comp that the next time that he sees an american he would kill him ( that was one of the parts that I understood) next he signals to my comp to follow him just so they could talk and I stayed back a little ways Anyways to make a long story short my comp talked to him saying that I was his friend and after all that he was cool with me and we left yep that was my story, pretty exciting huh. Okay now for the most important part of the letter on what are we going to do for sunday. Oh hey another thing we are teaching this lady , and we went to her work to talk to her and stuff and so we give the lesson and at the end she tells us that if we wanted to stay because some Jevoha´s witness were going to come but never did but I tell you this because the Jevoha´s witnesses gave her a book called, what does the bible really teach?, and she gave me the book so now I have their book it is quite interesting in what they believe in, I haven´t read it but I do look at the pictures and read some things but that it about it. well I think that is about it so until sunday

LOve YA Love YA!!

Elder Larsen

(awe *hugs* happy birthday boyo)

April 37, 2009

(LOL ok so side note from anni: this week the power kept going off and poor shawn sent like 4 e-mails all with a few words or sentences it was kind of funny. ^.^ ok back to the letter)

Okay so the light went out again so we are going for round 5 so now will type my letter in Mircosoft Word and save it we will see how things work out now. The power has been going out because it has been raining a lot lately and very windy so it is not working out so well because of that. Okay I am alive and doing well. About the earthquake, I didn´t feel a thing and neither my comp until someone had told us that it happened. We are about half an hour away from the temple. Now About the Flu deal, well we are both doing good we found out the Flu on Thursday or Friday not sure which day it was but we go out to work and stuff then there a lot of people wearing masks so we are like what the heck is going on because we are just missionaries that don´t listen the radio or watch the TV but we found out because a sister from the Ward is like way are you not wearing masks and we say that we don´t have any idea on the heck is going on so she tells us that it is like the cold but it kills people, and it is transfered through the air and at first I didn´t believe it because the common cold dosen´t kill people but then today I found out that is the swine flu then well I can believe that more then the cold So that is the story everything is going well. Oh and yesterday we didn´t even have church because of the Flu. This week will be interesting because we were told not to contact anyone, nor knock doors until this thing gets cleared up, but we will be able to teach our investigadors, visit less actives, visit members, and work with references but that is about it for this week so it will be interesting. Now the other thing is Mother´s day, well I don´t know what will happen with the calling jazz because I don´t know if I have transfers or not. Our church is from 9 to 12 and we are an hour ahead of you guys so there is time before your church and after mine but we will see what will happen, but I think we will do almost the same thing as last time, is that I will give you a number you guys call me because that worked out pretty well but I will give you more information next time I hope. So more stories for this week, we had an experience with a Jehova´s witness on Wednesday I think, and anyways my comp knocked on this door and out comes a lady and so my comp contacts her and stuff then she is like well I am a Jehova´s witness and so my comp is like oh well this message is for everyone and startes giving the first lesson and all of that good jazz until the Prophets, my comp tells her that Prophets are like moses, noe, Abraham, then she is like no they weren´t Prophets because they were men, and stuff and so my comp gets all of that done with until the Prophet Joseph Smith that he saw Heavnly Father ,and Jesus Christ, then she was like no that is not true because no body had seen the Father because they believe that if someone is the father they die or something like that is it was kind of weird, because they know the bible really well but other people put weird things in there head and confuse them. Well I think that is about it for this week, Well everyone have fun, don´t die, and good luck with life!

Love Ya!!

Elder Larsen


April 20, 2009

Well this week kind of was well it just didn´t work out to well, Because we didn´t have any investigadors go to church and all of the new investigadors backed out on us and everything so it quite work out this week. Sunday was stake conference here, I don´t know if it was good or what because we were waiting for investigadors to come and calling them and stuff but nothing but everything is going good. It is nice to know that we have our Heavenly Father that knows our needs and situtations. D&C 68:3 I read this scripture and it helped me get though this week especial yesterday. Hard times will come but come what may and love it, that was the topic of the talk that Elder Withlin gave before he passed away, and well I am doing good. Waldo and Alejandra ( his wife) they are going good, they had there interview last week but they are not going to get baptized until the 3rd of May but we will see, also another man named Ricardo who will get baptized that same day but he has a bit more problems like smoking, drinking, but has the desire to change which is really good. But other then those two nothing, we found a family but I think they are trying to dodge us. Yeah so that is kind of how my week has been but we are hoping that this week we be alot better. Oh another thing this past week is that we had divisions with the district leader. So I went with the district leader´s comp and the district leader went with my comp, and I worked in their area and for lunch we go to a sister in the ward, so we go and stuff eat some food then we talk for a bit and then she tells us that she has a learning problem and not very good at public speaking, like she would get nervous like really nervous to the point where she gets sick almost, and in any type of public speaking like to answer a question, or give the prayer so I thought that was a bit odd because she talked to us just fine and she even mentions that, that with us (the missionaries) she is just fine so that was weird I thought. Oh another thing I just remember it is kind of a sad story though. the day after the divisions with the district leader we had a appointment with a pregnant woman, who apected everything, the book of mormon, going to church, and her baptismal date. So we go to the appointment and stuff and before we could say anything she says that she doesn´t anything to do with the church because she had talked to her family and the reason was that the baby needed to get baptized because the Orginal Sin and that we don´t believe in that kind of thing. So we explain it and total about baptism of children but she is like no I like my religon and gives back the book of mormon and I was like dang, she just rejected God and a very precious gift, so then we left and that was it. tomorrow we have the zone conference for a good part of the day. So that will be exciting. Well that is really it for me as in for had happened to me. Sounds like everything back home is going good Pigs flying (I have yet to see that, so you will have to tell about that one Shay), computer hacking skills, and the usuals. Well I think that this is it Have fun!! Love Ya!!!

Elder Larsen

D&C 68:3

(ahhhh i give -.-")

April 13, 2009

Okay so for easter here it is a bit different because it is only the Cathliocs that celebrate this hoilday, and they call it The Holy Week. I am not sure well completely what they all do but really they just celebrate Christ and his suffering on the cross, also I think they have an event where they have a person (which I am sure it is voluntary he is supposely christ) and they well crosify (¿spelling? ¡help me my english is getting worse and worse!) him, a sister in the ward told us that but I am not sure that is right or what but if so then it is diffinetly pure apostasy and God will stirke them with him Hammer+777. So that is what happens here. Oh today we went on a hike to the top of a mountian( it is more like a big hill but okay) where there is a white cross with graffity, and stuff, but apart from the cross was the view which was great and so I took lots of photos in which everyone we be able to enjoy the beautiful area of Chimualcan. Now another story about this cross which the same sister told us is that a kid was crosified on this cross some years ago not sure why and for what purpose because Christ was and still is perfect, and if people are trying to be like him by crosifing themselves is well kind of dumb in my opinion but hey who knows. Okay so where I live is close to a main street called Baja California, and another one called Tijuana and no I haven`t found kevin yet but I will keep trying. Oh so this past week was pretty good, and I am doing great. On Friday in the night time we were knocking on doors and stuff and then this van comes with a family so my comp was like oh goody a eternal family so he goes and contacts them and I continue to knock doors so I knock a few doors more then I was like well my comp hadn`t come back yet so I went to find out whats up, okay, and well when the husband saw me I had realized right then that they were drunks, and the husband was like hey you white boy come here so alright, so we just sat there listing to him and his wife who was drunk also even more drunk then her husband so it was really funny with them because the wife was like, "I believe in Jehova, and I want you two to tell my husband that he exist.." then the husband was like no I don`t believe and anyways this story goes on and on it is kind of long but I will tell of the funny parts. So Anyways the husband talks to me about the united states and stuff, then he says that he knows everything about the united states, so I asked him a question so I asked "Where is Neveda?" so he thinks for a moment and then says that Neveda is in Neveda, I wanted to laugh so hard when he said that because it was hilaious but I could`t not in front of him. Anyways that is only one of the funny parts but it was rich! Also this past my comp got sick, but he is doing better now, he got sick on tuesday night at about 11 and he was throwing up and stuff, and had a small fever so that was fun, we just in the house all day on wednesday. Lets see here oh our mission president has given us a challenge to read the book of mormon in 90 days, and has given us a sheet of what chapters we need to have read and things to look for in the reading and it is really pretty cool. He has us looking for doctrine concerning to conversion, and also personal experiences in the Book of Mormon well like the prophet had and stuff, also whenever God speaks like " Thus saith the Lord", and whenever it mentions the name of Christ with any of his names, and Christ like attributes so this reading is going pretty good I am enjoying it. Oh about the President and his slamming is well like it says in the scriptures, that for the wicked the truth is hard to hear and accept but for those that enjoy and obey the truth is well enrichment to the soul. So yeah but he does it so well, he is a very sprituall man, he is a great guy. You know dad the advice that President keller gave is true, I know it is, some of the things that we hear and they strike us right in our hearts that is because god is talking to us through the Holy Ghost, because one of the feelings of the holy ghost is an increase of faith, then it is up to us to follow it. I know that this principle is true, We teach this principle about faith to the investigadors, and I have had that feeling as well. That advice is true I testify that it is because when I say my prayers and they are more focused on the people, I recive help from God and inspriation for my personal life. I know that is it true. Well I think that is about it because I don´t have anything else, I am sorry that This is late again but it is because we were doing laundary with at a sister`s house and it started to rain when we finished doing laundary so we waited til it was over, Well I love ya`all Have fun and don`t die!

Love YA!!

Elder Larsen


April 6, 2009

Okay first of all yes I did get to go to all of conference and yes we brought a couple to the morning session on saturday. Although I couldn´t understand all of it because for most of conference I had a headache so that was rough, but when I paid attention then I could understand it so yeah, so from what I could understand, it was good. Another thing is that sorry that this is kind of late but we kind of got a late start on somethings here because we went to play some fubal with the zone and stuff and we didn´t get back until like 2 or 3 I don´t remember, then we went to go eat with a member and things like that. It was fun though, got a little bit burnt that is okay. we play for a couple of hours and drank water. Also I made one goal but it was with luck that I made it, because I kicked the ball and it bounces off a foot of the opposite team and goes in so that was awesome. This week was good because we found Waldo and he lives here in mexico with his wife(Alejandra) with no kids yet. In Which they are married and I don´t think that they smoke, and they hardly drink, and are open on sundays, which it is hard to find people like that in mexico it is always like woman, beer, and work. Anyway these people are pretty sweet, and are like oh we want to be baptized, and we were like okay let us show you the font that happens to be full of water. Okay not like that but they are cool and totally awesome, because they do everything that we ask them to do, so I am positive that we will have a baptizm here on 19th of april, in fact we have already put that date with them, and they said yes so things are going good. well nothing else right now oh wait about my comp. He is a convert to the church about 3 years ago, and he was introduced to the church by his girlfriend, Which she is still his girlfriend, He is the only member of his family because his dad doesn´t like it and his mom is like whatever, and I don´t know what his sisters. And yes he only has sisters, he has 3 sisters and his parents, his parents are separated, so yeah anything more, oh yeah he has the same amout of time in the mission as I do and what I really like about him is that he is sarcastic (speelinger ¿ I am lossing me ability of english speaked) and that he is always asking people to see if there is something we could help with, or just doing it. So the only thing about the package is a jump drive thing to put pictures on and e mails, and please send it soon because the next transfers are on May 9th and the transfers, zone activities, and when we have zone conference are when we get pouch so send it now and I will get it at the district class meeting after transfers so yeah well I thing that is about it. I was Pachuca about Christmas time when me and my comp took a bus so we could get our hair cut, well we got on and there was a family which a kid and his dad were sick and throwing up, like they looked normal and stuff but then they would just throw up then go back to normal life, it was weird but that is the kind of things you would find here in mexico. Oh I hope that story was inspriring for everyone. The pres is doing good, he is a very good man like tommy said, he is a very spritual man, and he can slam some missionaries very well also. Yeah okay that is about it for me so yeah have a good day!

Love Ya!!

Elder Larsen


March 30,2009

I am not lost! I know exactly where I am at, at all times, it is just that other people may not where I am. Okay I am in chimualcan, or something like that. That is the name of the Area, the state is the State of mexico. The zone is called Los Reyes and something else, my area is called Los Olivos. The area is good, and pretty big, about as big as my first area, With lots of people walking around infact there is probably just as many people as there is dirt, and there is a lot of dirt here I mean a lot. Also this area is really cool because we live on a mountian side, and the top is pretty sweet it feels a little bit like home. So yeah we have a pretty sweet view of things, of the area, and city and we get to walk up hills most of the day so my legs will be huge when I leave this area. This area a bit more poorer then my last area but it is all cool. Also in the district that I am in, well the area of the district there is an inactive volcano, so we are thinking going to it and take pictures and stuff, and you can go right into the crater and stuff so it will be pretty awesome. Okay my comp is pretty chill, his name is Elder Alcala, and he is from Oaxca Mexico. So he is my second comp from Oaxca. This guy loves to joke around lot, so that means he is pretty funny. before the mission he took some karate classes, he knows how to play the guitar, and he is pretty good at fùlbal. Oh and by the way he says HI. The Ward is pretty good, well for a good first impresion, we will see how things go, but the bishop is pretty sweet, he is a returned missionary so he knows what we do day to day, which helps a lot. The house is really small, all it is is two rooms and the bathroom, but the cool part about it is that it is really cheap, it cost about 800 pesos which it dollars would be about 40 or 60 dollars with water and light, so it is really really cheap. The one of the two rooms consist of our beds , a desk, and a rack to hang the clothes and the other has two sofas, and a desk where our kicthen is, then the bathroom with the shower. What is a recession? Well I guess that question answered about 2 of your questions, mom. I haven´t bought new socks I am just going to use the ones I have until there is nothing left. Oh about my other Area is well, yeah they closed it, so there isn´t any missionaries there right now. But I don`t know if other missionaries from another area are going to work with the references or what, but I hope that they do because there were a lot of them. I am doing alright, I might be getting sick again as well as my comp but we will see what will happen, but other then the sick part I am doing great. My favorite scripture is well how about a couple of chapters? Mosiah2, 3, 4, 5. I love the speech that King benjamin, (spelling ?), because he hits a lot of key points to a good spritual life. About serving our fellow men, and about jesus and the Atonement, and how we should do good continenually, and a lot of other things that maybe hard to do or to change but the exprience in the garden was harder (Elder Holland said something to the effect of this). the Savior preformed that act for us to be able to have Salvation and to live with Him and God. Okay enough of the spritual stuff but my favorite food is the tacos here because they are simply amazing! The food here is differently better! Okay well that is about it for today so yeah

LOVE YA!!!!!!!

Elder Larsen

(lol his spelling is getting worse how cute lol #4 i think...... i dont remember)

March 23, 2009

Bueno so transfers are this week, and guess what I have transfers. How transfers work is that we call to the District leader sunday night, and he tells us if we have transfers, then if we do, we go next to the temple with all of the missionaries that have transfers then they us where we are going. So I don´t have a clue where I am going, and I think that they are going to close this area that I am in right now too, because my comp is going to and we need to pay the rent for march so they might close it. Which is kind of weird because on saturday we had the people from the visiter center come, to the church building in my area, to give like a small tour and some movies. And all of the missionaries in the zone came to help with this, the missionaries brought people to the building for a small tour and there they would get there directions if they were interested to learn more, well that was saturday and we recived like 80 references, and most of them are in my area so we will see what will happen, if the other missionaries in the other ward will get to go looking for those names or what because that is a lot! Oh well, So something funny happened this week. So we live with some members, and the dad`s mom is kind of crazy, anyways, so one day my comp and I we find this hole in the like "their Driveway" which this old lady had dug just for fun. She used a pickaxe to break the cement and then the shovel, and Hole wasn`t small either, it was a good 2 feet wide and 1 foot long, and kind of deep, I am not sure how deep but about 2 or 3 feet deep. So that is my funny story for the week. The whether here is weird, it is hot most of the time though, I got burnt saturday. Oh one day in the night time, we were going to some appointments and it starts to rain a little bit, then more and more and pretty soon it was raining hard and we started to run to some appointments but nobody wanted to answer the door, and we think it is because of the rain, we decide to run home, and we were completely soaked it was awesome! We I guess that this will be it for this week, and next week i will let you know where I am.
Love YA!!!!

Elder Larsen

March 16, 2009

Okay, we just got back from a zone activity which we played fùtbal, and basketball and we watched other side of heaven. It was good, The team that I was on was the worst, we had three teams, two would play and we would switch when someone makes a goal, I think we made one goal during the time that we played. I was pretty much the keeper. So we haven`t done our laundry because we left at 9 to get there for the activity, and the sister where we live wants us to help her with somethings in the house I guess they are changing some things around. We do our laundry with a investgador that should be baptismed but now she doesn`t want to go to the church, but we can go and do our laundry. She has a laundromat kinda of thing so we leave our laundry then some stuff come back and talk to her and some of her kids and that about it. The spanish is coming along, it is getting better and better. So we now have a new Elder huh, who else is with him? How much time does he have on the mission? Tell him to keep up with language and that it does come, because I know what it feels like being thrown into a country that doesn`t speak your language, and trying to learn theirs which you probably won`t see him alot because they have the whole stake right? Here for food, we sometimes cook in the mornings if we have food in the house and for lunch the members feed us, and for dinner it is on our own sometimes we ate with members or with the members where we live. Yesterday we went to a family that really doesn`t have anything, from what I have seen is that they only have two rooms one is where they sleep and a family room and the other is the kitchen, in which they are not connected and they both are like the size of your room, mom and dad, the kitchen might be a little bit smaller then that. So that was interesting, I have seen poor, even poorer then that even. In my other area there was this family that we were teaching that had the samething as this family, a kitchen and a room where they sleep. But if you ask them for something or to do something, they would give it you and they would do it, with pleasure. We did give a talk in church sunday, I think it went well saw some heads nod so they understood me. I talked about a testimony, and my comp about the atonement and so I think it went well. Well that is it for today I am out of time so until next week.

Love Ya!!

Elder Larsen


March 9, 2009

Okay I am doing a lot better from the sickness. On tuesday we had our zone conference and interviews, in which it went pretty well, talked about a lot of things. This past week for me was kinda boring because we did quite of bit of contacting but nobody was to listen to us, or we get there direction but they are not home. So yeah, we do our laundray with a brother and his family they have a laundromat so we go there to do the laundry but it takes forever to do it, like 2 or more hours just to do through the washing machine with all the laundry so it takes awhile to do it. The brother that we do the laundry with is member and some of the family is also but the wife and a few others are not because they are not married or just don´t want to, but it is a good family they own two laundromats and a store so they do good with money. There are some that don´t have a lot like this family that we went to on sunday to eat, they have one room where I think everyone sleeps and it is also the family room, then the kitchen and that is it as far as i know but they have some land to grow some stuff. This sunday we are hoping to baptize a girl to complete a family, but first we need to visit her, we went last week but she was sleeping so we couldn´t talk to her but this week we will and hopefully she says yes, her family are members and active but I don´t know why she isn´t baptized so that is why we are going to find out. There was something to tell but I don´t remember it right now oh well.

Sale pues,LOVE YA!!!!!

Elder Larsen

(there is one ^.^)

o.O oh wow O.o

CRAZY SILLY US!!! So i was looking through my blogs and this one has really died so I am going to try to revive it. LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE!!! ^.~
This is anni over and out.

Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27, 2009

Hey everybody! I thought I would just get on and tell ya that shawn is doing well. He is working hard and is doing a great job. He didn't even know about the earthquake till he was asked if he felt it and he didn't know about the flu till a member told him. The Mission president has given the elders some guidelines while the flu is out and about. All we can do is pray that everything will go alright. Thanks for keeping up with what has been happening. And sorry I have been horrible at posting this for him. Will try to keep it updated more in the following weeks! :)


Friday, March 6, 2009

March 2, 2009

This past week was good, although it did kind of stink too, because well I got sick pretty much the whole week and now I will tell you the story of how it all started. First about sunday of last week I started to sneeze a bunch and my nose was starting to be stuffy, so it was a start of a cold, so I was like great but continued to work and stuff. On wedneday we had divisions with the district leader and the zone leaders, and I went with the zone leader and well things were fine until the night when I felt tired and a headache, but the following day after the divisions we started working but then I got sick to my stomach, I felt like throwing up but didn´t, so we went back to the house and found out that I had a fever as well so I slept pretty much the whole day until the night time then we did some visits. Friday I felt a little better so we worked and stuff and Saturday I felt worse so the morning I slept to feel better for the appointments that we had for the day. Yesterday I felt tired all day because I didn´t sleep well saturday night i don´t know why but oh well. So that is my exciting week although we did have a baptism yesterday of a girl who is 17 years old and has a son that is 1 years old or maybe 2 don´t remember. But the baptism went we had some members come to support and stuff so that was nice. Oh on friday something funny did happen, Okay is that we are knocking on a door of one of the investigator that we found, and well there is this guy that comes up to us out of no where and is like `do you want an orange?` I was like no so he asks my comp the same thing and well my comp didn´t want it either so the guy is like `why don´t you want my orange, what do you have against me` and throws the orange on the ground, and looked like he wanted to fight but lucky for us is that there was a cop car that was coming so my comp signals the cop and the cop is like what is going on here and so the guy who was offered us the orange well picks up the orange and offers it is the cop and the like says okay you know how things work, and the guy opens the car door and gets in by himself and the cop take him away it was so funny but the bad part was that the investigator wasn´t home. Anyways that is my excitement for the week. What do you mean how do we get around? The whole mission walks. This area has a bit more money then the other area, but almost everyone struggles with money but they enjoy the company of their families. Well I think that does it for me this week. Well Love YA!

Elder Larsen

Monday, February 23, 2009

February 23, 2009

bueno, voy a escribir un poco en español pues porque Yo puedo y ustedes no pueden entenderme. ¡Que Chistoso! Pues a menos que Tyler me entienda, pero vamos a ver. (Ha ha, again i will not translate, hopefully you know your spanish or know someone who will tell you what it says...) Well sounds like everyone had a fun time this past week. although I do have one question, Sean went to Argentina or Australia? Because I thought you told me Australia but I could be wrong. If he did go to Argentina then he is learning a different spanish then I am. Well same words they just say the words differently but that is cool. What I like about my new area is that it is more of a city life then the small town life that my other area was like, and less streets, and smaller area. The thing that I don´t like is that not a lot of people will listen and the people that will listen are Christian´s that don´t want to be baptized "again" so we don´t have a lot in the teaching pool right now. Oh I do have an experience that was pretty fun. so on friday I do believe, a TJ (Jehova´s witness) came and knocked on the door and one of the sons of the sister where we live goes to the door to see who it is, and there he was a TJ and my comp is like go and teach him so I went and asked where they took out some scriptures from the bible and he responded saying that their bible is the most correct book on the planet because they took the original text from the bible. Well in revelations it says that anyone that takes a word out from this book, then their name shall be taken out from the book of life. But he is like no because this is the from the original deal and things like that. Then I asked him if jehova and jesus is the same person and he said no that jehova is god and that many people are confused by that. Well I showed him some things but he didn´t understand not because of my spanish but he would just change it to something else. But he knows a little about our church so yeah that is just a little bit of my fun this week it was pretty exciting. We are hoping for a couple of baptism this week but one of them has beening going on before I got here, her name is Cenorina and all she needs is money for a divorcement and to get married. And the other we found about two weeks ago and is about ready. Oh and yesterday we went to the visitor center here with some investigators and it went well watch a movie and walked around and answered some questions it was pretty sweet. then that night we played Jenga with the family that we rent from that was fun too, I lost once. well that is pretty much it for this week. Anyways Love Ya!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

February 16, 2009

I am in the same state as before just a different area, Olivos. (He got transfered!!!) It is a little bit different place then my area in tecamac because here it is a bit more city life, and it is a smaller area. We have like 3 or 4 main streets then we have like 12 smaller streets, we can walk from the bottom of our area to the top in like 20 mins so yeah kinda small. We live with members, which they are really nice also they have two sons, one is 19 in which he sometimes comes with us to work and stuff and the other one is older I am not sure how much older but yes older. Another cool thing is that the older son is the Ward mission leader, but the bad thing is that he is hardly home so that is cool. The ward is kind of small, this past week there were 90ish in sacrament meeting. The members are pretty nice too. But not of people want to listen to us though, because we did a lot knocking on doors and stuff but not a lot of people want to listen so this will be interesting. Okay so my new comp is Elder Rodriguez, he is from San luiz mexico, 21 years old, has 7 brothers and sisters, and has 9 months in the mission. He is a good guy, likes to play fúlbal. Our apartment is a lot better then the one before, because we can basically live there, there is a kitchen and desks. Although it is smaller but that is okay, I like it better. Oh another thing about the apartment is that it is also stuffy because there isn`t a lot of air going in and out. Sounds like home is home, but I don´t like the Idea that you bought a new bottling machine without me, or my advise, but more then anything is that you bought it when I am not working there, about 2 years ago would have been nice. nah just kidding, you should name it stainless bob. Oh just some info on veracurz mexico because I have met some people from veracruz here, and they are interesting people, they can be kind of rude and I am sure that cameron will hear and the swear words a lot more. But they are interesting people. (My friend Cameron is going to Veracruz Mexico, and so i told shawn about it.. So yeah) Oh about the church building is that it is very very very small, all it is, is just one hallway at one end is the sacrament room and the other end is the offices and in between are the classrooms, and only two wards go there so that is good, our church starts at 10 in the morning. Oh and yesterday we had to fill the baptism font with buckets, Okay about half of it maybe a little less then half, because there was already some water but not enough. Bueno so this past week we did a lot of knocking on doors and stuff and while we were walking there was this group of people started to talk to us in english saying to come here because they wanted to talk and stuff, to we go and start talking, and come to find out that 3 out of the 10 that were there were mormons and yeah that was cool because one of the question is that if we change our shoes, and I was like no and I show them my shoes and in fact one of them has a small hole so we laughed and stuff. Yeah it was cool, will not sure what else to say so yeah Love YA!!

Elder Larsen

Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 9, 2009

Sounds like everyone had a fun week! I had a pretty good/amazing week, we baptized the dad of a family and his son, in which it completes the whole family so that is cool and really sweet because how this dad got his answer was freaking sweet. it was wednesday night and we go to the house to share a some scriptures, which I shared 2 nephi 4 28 and 30 and also my comp shares a scripture in the bible after that my comp says that we are going to kneel down and pray, and he will pray for his answer. After some time of praying he gets up, and he is crying, and says okay I will get baptized, it was freaking sweet because everyone was crying because of this response as well as that we could feel the influence of the spirit. the baptism went very very well. The wife has been a member for a year, and a number of missionaries have tried to baptize him but didn´t so that was the highlight of my week. Another thing that was cool was that the son is 8 years old, and when he turned 8 he asked his dad that for a birthday gift would be that the dad gets baptized along with the son, so on saturday we did just that. Well that is about it for this past week because we spent quite of bit of time getting him ready for his baptism. Last night I found out that I have transfers, I don´t know where I am going but I will let you know next week, because we find out if we have transfers sunday night, then the transfers happen tuesdays at the church next to the temple. So yeah I think that is about it I thought of something for my next package but I forgot so I guess don´t worry about it. Hey has kevin entered in the MTC? Okay I don´t remember any thing else to write, I have a letter started but I don´t think I will have time today to finish it, because we still have to wash and I need to pack my stuff up for tomorrow. Well LOVE YA!!!

Elder Larsen

February 2, 2009

bueno ¿pueden entenderme? Si no pues ¡Que triste!(do not ask me for translations, i just put the emails on the blog. I have no clue what he is saying. For all i know, he could be making up his own language...) Charle, the super bowl has already happen?! oh well, how were the commercials? I don´t have anything interesting this week. We did help the sister missionaries with their baptism this past week so that was fun. we did the baptism late at night like at 8 en la noche. voy a poner a few palabras of spanish por ustedes so that ustedes aprenda the language tal como me. Okay that was fun, it is pretty cool learning a different language because sometimes like I think in spanish like some words then other times in english but oh well I am sure that is what happened with tyler. So he understands me. (and yet we don't!) Today we had the zone activity in a church building where we played basket ball and fútbal, fetch, the mexicans are way good at fútbal! Es como Charle. Also we ate pizza and watch "Other side of Heaven" so that was fun. So Derek is going to Argentina huh. Thats cool. I guess a lot of people are going to different countries now because before there was a lot of people going to states missions, but who knows everything is inspiration so just depends. This past week we did have contacting, because we got some references like 50, because about a month ago we had in activity at the church. The activity was like the visiter center but smaller, so that is where we got them. So we checked some of those and contacted and stuff. okay so now to answer some questions.
Things are going well with my comp, we think that I will get transfered, and transfers are next week so I will inform you then. Our room is cleaner now then when the district leader came to the apartment. my area is kind of boring actually like there isn´t much to do on P days because it is just like a small town, but about half an hour there is a mall and that is about it. The Ward is alright just not of excitement for missionary work. I don´t have any amazing experiences this past week, but next week I probably will. my clothes are going good for the most part, but my shoes the souls are about worn out, and quite a bit of my socks have holes in them, so things are still good. Well my favorite scripture is a whole chapter, in Alma 26 it is a good one for missionaries. Well the one that I thought of for a song was a child´s prayer, but there are more then that. Oh hey not sure if I told you but sister Bulloch got the christmas card that you sent mom, and says thanks! I think she got it about a month ago. Well I think that is about it for this week. Have fun, and don´t die!!

Les Quiero, or if you like Les Amo

Elder Larsen

January 26, 2009

Sounds like everyone is having a good time with everything. For me one of the most exciting thing that happened to me was last night, because it was funny. So we were walking to the bishop´s house and then we hear a bang! Then the next thing I see was that someone was running away, because he hit his car with someone else´s car, fortunately there was a cop right behind when the accident happened so the cop started to run after the guy and the cop freakin throw him to the ground. I was like wow I am in mexico, it was freakin sweet! So that was pretty exciting. So where is Derek going? So Ted is going on a mission for sure? That´s pretty sweet. Russia huh, that is weird because while I was in the MTC, the people that were going to Russia had to change where they were going because Russia wasn´t accepting anymore for a while, but maybe they changed their minds I don´t know, I hope so! This week has been good, we had a baptism yesterday, it was a kid that his sisters are members but the parents are not because they are not married for civil because the husband thinks that it just a piece of paper and nothing more. so Anyway, on Friday night we had some meat from Oacxca it was freaking good!! so for your question mom, I was not embarrassed when he came.
On Thursday, we helped a sister in the ward, who is in-active, paint her house, while just the frames around the windows outside. So my comp cleaned first then I painted, and we had to use a ladder so that was pretty fun. And today we are going to have a family home evening with a family that are newly members, so that will be fun. Oh so I have started a letter and I am hoping to get it sent here soon, because I finally had a little time to do it. Well that is about it for this week Lucky Kyle eating cookies, and shay Cheesecake. Unlucky for Tyler, I´m sorry Cuate. When does Kevin go into the MTC? What is his e mail? Bueno I am done. Love Ya!!!!!!

Elder Larsen

Monday, January 19, 2009

January 19, 2009

Okay that doesn´t have anything to do with what I did this week. Bueno We did baptize yesterday, at 6:00 in the morning. The water was freaking freezing! The boiler doesn´t work so we had to put something in the water to try to heat it up. Well my comp thinks that it doesn´t work, but I think it does. Oh well, the baptism went well, it was the parents of the family and now the kids are interested in the Gospel and stuff so we will see what happens with them because they don´t live in our boundaries so yeah. I hope that the kids get baptized then the family will be complete and it will be great for them to grow in the gospel together. Oh we also confirmed them the same day that they were baptised. This week we are going to try to have 3 baptism this Sunday.
Okay this week has been pretty cold for me too. yesterday we had fog, and it rained this past week. So the seasons are just mixed up and crazy, but that is just mexico. Because I was talking to someone and they said that here where I am, the weather is just weird. So who knows what it will be like. OH another thing is that on friday our district leader came to our house, and it was a mess, and we didn´t know that he was coming so he freaking bashed on us because our apartment wasn´t clean that was fun. So After he left we cleaned the apartment, it looks a lot better then what it was before.
So on Monday we had a family home evening with a part member family. Everyone is a member but the dad, so we are trying to get him baptized but he doesn´t want to so right now is probably his time. Although the family home evening went well, we watched a movie called the master´s hand, shared scriptures, had dinner, and played Jenga extreme. It was pretty fun, and food was really good it was some sort of pasta and meat. On Wednesday we had a zone conference and interviews, which both of them went really well. I enjoyed them, because, well on of the reasons of it being good was that we ate hamburgers like american burgers and stuff it was really good. Although there was a good spirit eating hamburgers and listening to the president and his AP. Well that is pretty much it for this week. Now I will answer your questions. Transfers are the first week in feb. so I still have some time here, I am kinda hoping to get transfered to be somewhere else just to be somewhere else. My comp is good, he kinda has a attitude, he gets angry quick. Yes I am brushing my teeth, and my shirts are white still. (oh such a good boy!)
Now have to laugh at kyle, Ha ha ha. Okay that is good. (kyle hurt his arm while snowboarding, just used it too much or something so it hurt for a while. So everyone can laugh at him too! Jk)
Oh my comp said something to me, that here in mexico there is 7 women for one man, but only here in mexico. Anyway, I don´t have anything else to say, but we did play some fútbal and kickball. So that is it, Happy Birthday Grandpa! HI Lane and Kevin!
(our uncle and one of shawn's best friends live out of state so they happened to both be in town this past week. Pretty sweet eh?!) (oh and it was our Grandpas birthday on Wednesday!)

Love ya!!!
Elder Larsen

Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 12, 2009

Okay so this week has been a lot better because the family that came to church last week is like a golden!!! So they will be baptized this week or the next, it just depends if the son wants to know more and be baptized or not so yeah it will be awesome! The Parents are freaking sweet because they have done everyone thing that we have asked them to do and last Wednesday the dad asked us about tithing and how does he pay it, so we showed on Sunday. So they are progressing great, and will be faithful members. We had another guy that came by himself last week but we couldn´t find his house, and he didn´t come yesterday. So things are progressing, we are hoping to baptize at least 4 this week, if not 2. My comp is good, we are working lots with the members for references and stuff. Before the mission all he did was train for a sport where you lift weights, and a wrestler, that is pretty much all he did. Because he started training at age 8, that is all he did basically. He has one brother and one sister. his sister is married, and his brother is not but he did go on a mission, not sure where but somewhere in mexico. He has been a member since he was 8. That is cool that Kevin went to Utah and visited, luckys, you should tell him to visit me! When does he go into the MTC? Well lets see here. He is going to Tiajuana huh? Well that will be different for him. Okay I am kinda lost for what I want to say, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah. (man this kid likes to ramble. Sorry i didn't feel like editing anything.) The teaching pool is growing slowly. We contact people on the street but they lie about their directions, and stuff so it is dumb, but oh well it is their salvation I did my part. Well not sure what else to write for this week. We are going to a family´s house to have a family home evening with them, it is kind of a less active family with the dad that is not a member. So that will be fun! Don´t know what we are doing but I do know one thing is that we are going to see a movie. So hopefully everything goes well and hopefully get the dad more interested and stuff. So yeah that is basically it Love ya!!

Elder Larsen

January 5, 2009

Okay so my New Year was good but not that exciting, because we had to be in our house by 6 so yeah we did Because of the drunks and parties and stuff like that so yeah, although we did talk with the sister whom we rent from until we had to go to sleep so yeah that was fun. Oh and no we did not get to stay up any later then 10:30 for new´s years. (oh sad child didn't get to stay up for the new year... oh well he was an obedient child!) So yeah I am back in my old area the investigators are well it was harder to get with them and set an appointment with them so yeah. This week was hard, we contacted a lot of people for an example on saturday after 2:00 we had every hour filled with an appointment until 9 so what happened is that all the appointments fell through well execpt for 2 so that was a bummer. Also we didn´t have a map for awhile too, and I don´t know all of the street names so yeah it has been a little hard this week. But on sunday we did see some miracles, like me and my comp brought 2 investigators who are good buy the mom smokes a lot and has some problems with the WOW but she liked church. Although the miracle was that members that don´t live here but I guess they are visiting their friends, anyways they brought their friends to church and they live here and are interested in the church, Also some other guy who wants to know more of our church shows up too, to church! So we saw some miracles this week! Another thing is that our church starts at 7:00 in the morning! (that is way to early! sorry folks, but these guys are kind of crazy for getting up for church! I don't know how they do it!) So we got up like 4:30 around there anyways, some of the members like this time better, and I am like WHY!? Anyways that was my week of events. My comp is Elder Vasquez from Oaxaca Mexico, he is the youngest in his family, he has two older brothers, one went on a mission to some part in mexico. Before the mission all he did was lift weights, and training for his sport. Yeah and he looks mexican. Well for today, we cleaned the church building a little bit, and now going to wash our clothes and eat something. We are hoping to have some baptisms these week but I don´t know if it will happen or not. Oh for the transfers a lot of missionaries got white washed, so it was crazy. Yeah not sure what else to type.......... Oh tomorrow is the dia de reyes, kings day, it is like their christmas. Actually yeah it is like christmas, but instead of santa clause it is the three kings. So you have a wish list and you ask the kings to bring it to you. Yeah okay I think that is it because I don´t know what to type about that we worked a lot so yeah. LOVE YA!!

Elder Larsen

Thursday, January 1, 2009

December 29, 2008

Well yeah this is a bit early to type and stuff but that is cool. It was good talking to everyone on the phone. Hope Christmas at Grandma´s house was good, had lots have cake and food to eat and stuff. Here was good after I got done talking to everyone, we went to do the baptism and fill up the font, so we did that. The baptism went well, he had his family and some friends come that are members of the church. It was a good baptism but the thing is that he didn´t come to church to be confirmed a member and stuff, so that kinda sucked. After the baptism we ate food with a member at her house, where she was having a party with her family so we ate a lot of food and played a game with them for a couple of hours and then we knocked doors the rest of the night, but no one wanted to let us in so that was kinda weird. Because, we celebrate christmas for the birth of Jesus, but no body wanted to watch a movie about his birth and stuff so it was a bit ironic. other then that we have been working a lot this past week, knocking a lot of doors and stuff, and teaching some but the people that we taught didn´t want to go to church with us so that was a bummer. Although on Saturday night at like 8 30 we found someone, taught him, and asked him to come to and he said yes, so on Sunday morning at like 8 45 we got him and took him to church, and so far he is a good guy with a kid, but his wife left him, and he wants to help his kid and to make sure that he can provide for his kid. So we think that is good and will be baptized. Yeah so that is the rest of the week. Oh yeah I am going back to my old area (Tecamac) with another comp, not sure who it will be yet but tomorrow I will know. So I am going back, oh well. Today I am going to pack, eat lunch somewhere, and possible do something, I am not really sure what is going to happen today so yeah. This is about it for today. Love ya!!

Elder Larsen
